
Wednesday 13 May 2015

This Is Me

I wonder if this happens to everyone.

You sit there thinking all these different things, what you would write if you had a blog,  what you would call it, the interesting and funny things you would post. So you create one.  It takes an age to come up with an interesting title and an acceptable .com address that hasn't already been taken and finally, yes finally, you are presented with your brand new squeaky clean, no posts yet, very own blog.  

And then? 

Nothing. An empty mind.  Nothing witty, interesting or clever comes to mind.  All you can think of is, "what the hell do I write that makes me sound like someone I'd like to read about??"

Just me then. 

Well I'll start with the basics.  I'm somewhere in my thirties, married and mum to 3 kids,  I seem to learn something new everyday, whether that's about my kids, myself, people in general or just some random fact one of the Mini-me's has learnt at school. I have discovered as I get older I get less tolerant and less mindful of what other people think of me.  I am currently learning that sometimes I have to let things go.  Things can't always be perfect no matter how hard I try and believe me, I try. Really hard. 

I'm just starting out on a couple of new adventures.  Having solely been a mum for the last 13 years and now my kids are getting a little older I felt it was time for me to do some stuff for me.  And I'm loving every minute of it!! 

So this blog is really just going to be a collection of my thoughts, the things I'm thankful for, the things that make me laugh (and cry) and the things I wish I could say out loud.

It might turn out quite long.